Nancy Perez





Benefits of MASSAGE
Massage Therapy is highly rated among anti-aging treatments. Therapeutic massage can decrease stress and its health related issues.  Experts estimate that ninety percent of disease is stress-related. And perhaps nothing ages us faster, internally and externally, than high stress. Massage is an effective tool for managing this stress, which translates into staying well and youthful -that's fabulous!

Therapeutic massage can be an important component of your self-care, health maintenance and fitness regimen. Nancy's harmonious blend of massage treatments restore balance and encourage the body's self-recovery capability. Her treatments have frequently been used to enhance the benefits of other types of health care such as physical therapy, chiropractic care and psychotherapy in an attempt to provide corrective and restorative movement to soft tissue and joint structures that have lost normal function due to injury or disease. The benefits of Massage are cumulative. Establishing a regular wellness plan as preventative care can help manage your overall health.


Decreased anxiety.
Enhanced sleep quality.
Greater energy.
Improved concentration.
Increased circulation.
Reduced fatigue.
Massage can also help specifically address a number of health issues. Bodywork can:
Alleviate low-back pain and improve range of motion.
Assist with shorter, easier labor for expectant mothers and shorten maternity hospital stays.
Ease of medication dependence.
Enhance immunity by stimulating lymph flow—the body's natural defense system.
Exercise and stretch weak, tight, or atrophied muscles.
Help athletes of any level prepare for and recover from, strenuous workouts.
Improve the condition of the body's largest organ—the skin.
Increase joint flexibility.
Lessen depression and anxiety.
Promote tissue regeneration, reducing scar tissue and stretch marks.
Pump oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs, improving circulation.
Reduce post-surgery adhesions and swelling.
Reduce spasms and cramping.
Relax and soften injured, tired, and overused muscles.
Release endorphins-amino acids that work as the body's natural painkiller.
Relieve migraine pain.
            " Medical Massage has its origins within traditional medicine. MM is the most integrative concept of Massage Therapy. "
-Dr Ross Turchaninov, MD  Journal of Massage Science





To gain the most from your treatment, over the 24 hours following this you are advised to:

  • avoid caffeine, alcohol, smoking and strenuous physical exercise.
  • eat a light meal
  • drink plenty of water and relax!
  • leave oil on the skin overnight (if possible)



Benefits of FACIALS

  Just as listening to soothing music, looking at a painting, smelling a flower or eating a delightful meal satisfies our senses, the therapeutic sensations of touch therapy, one of the oldest healing arts, can increase the overall state of well-being. Superb synergy of therapeutic massage along with a fitness regimen is a must for flexibility, recovery, and restoration.    

While facials have a variety of benefits for the skin on the face, there are also many health benefits as well. Facials can improve the immune system, aid in detoxification and stress relief, and reduce fluid build-up in the body,

Facials involve some massage which aids in blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, as well as relaxation of the facial muscles which can slow the onset of wrinkles on the face. Puffiness reduction, sagging in the face and skin cell renewal will also benefit from these massage techniques.

A facial is a spa treatment that leaves your skin cleaner, softer, younger, and truly transformed. Your skin is the body’s largest organ and a direct reflection of internal well being. Facials can clear clogged pores, quench parched skin and remove dead cells.

Facials include all or some of the following: cleaning, massage, steam, extractions, peels, the application of a facemask and other products. Our licensed aestheticians will perform a complete skin analysis and recommend the best facial for you.




"Excellent moment détente"
"The combined effect of the massage and meditation guidance sent my riddled anxiety melting away like snow in a frying pan. I really benefit from these sessions. They help me to stay clear and centered in the everyday chaos that is my life and has absolutely transformed the way I live."
-Anne Devigne MD






"At first I was skeptical, but after a session, I totally changed my perspective on my health and life in general. I was always told I needed to be manipulated physically in order to get relief-chiropractor, deep tissue massages, etc. Never have I felt the sense of inner peace and complete balance as I do now. Since my meditation practice with Nancy, I've been sleeping through the night and my constant headaches have subsided. She is patient, kind, skilled and most importantly, she has a gift. I'm so grateful to her.

" Thank you Nancy     

 Gisele, Princeton


"I saw Nancy for my massage which was also the best one I've ever had. She was super friendly and made me feel very comfortable. Most relaxing experience!!! I can not rave enough about Nancy! I have found my relaxation home!!!!"



"...To get the most out of your session, your therapist must be able to read you well and respond accordingly.

Nancy has been our family massage therapist for over 7 years and we always look forward to the days when we have our sessions. Nancy has developed a very close and trusting relationship with us, and we feel very comfortable sharing the sources of our stress with her. Her techniques are versatile and well suited for a variety of situations. Some days, it is a relaxing session that sends you to the brink of a dreamlike state, other days it is a deep tissue massage that helps muscle restoration. No matter what the session, the effects are lasting. A massage session with Nancy is the best gift for any occasion!"   -Princeton


" I find Nancy, my physiotherapist, to be the most dedicated and competent person in her field and has a deep knowledge of human physiology. With her massage she soothens the tired and sluggish nerves and in turn stimulates the muscles, making the system work better and more efficiently. This is because of her magical hands. I wish her all success in life."

Dr. Amar, Princeton